[Whonix-devel] New Announcement: Qubes + Whonix is now available!
whonixqubes at mail2tor.com
whonixqubes at mail2tor.com
Fri Aug 29 16:33:21 CEST 2014
With the help of several kind people in the Whonix & Qubes communities, I
have successfully integrated the Qubes + Whonix operating systems
For those who would prefer Whonix as an alternative to TorVM in Qubes,
this option is now available to you.
This initial Qubes + Whonix configuration is achived using current versions:
- Qubes R2rc2 & Whonix 8.2
Qubes + Whonix currently exists as a customized dual HVM configuration:
- Whonix-Gateway HVM + Whonix-Workstation HVM
A simple networking setup for Qubes + Whonix would look like:
- NetVM <- FirewallVM <- Whonix-Gateway <- Whonix-Workstation
Where, for example, the Whonix-Gateway conceptually replaces TorVM as your
Tor ProxyVM, and Whonix-Workstation conceptually replaces your standard
AppVMs (AnonVMs).
You can get the Qubes + Whonix step-by-step instructions and more info here:
All suggestions and feedback are welcome!
I look forward to helping make Qubes + Whonix integration even tighter and
more seamless throughout the future.
If you're interested in the future growth of the Qubes + Whonix platform,
then please join in with us to actively further this goal.
For example, when ProxyVM support is added to the Qubes Debian Template,
we can take Qubes + Whonix beyond the current HVM limitation and utilize a
naitive ProxyVM + AppVM setup for Whonix.
Thank you again to everyone who helped me bring the first known successful
Qubes + Whonix configuration to the world...
Patrick, Joanna, Marek, Jason, Axon, cprise, and everyone else who has
helped! Thank you! :)
P.S. Qubes + Whonix 9 support is coming soon!
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