KVM/Minimalized Installation
This page is for minimalized guide written by community members.
Note (1) You are encouraged to read the official KVM guide and documentation first and only refer here if are still unsure about what to do. Please report any uncertainties about the official guide on the KVM support forum.
Note (2) This fast instructions for amd processors with debian as a host if you want other installation commands for different distro please check Install KVM, if you are first time user please check this guide section.
Note (3) Copy&Paste each command separately then press Enter to run them.
- You need to add your username to the sudoers:
Setup sudoers. Add the operating system user name to sudoers.
Become root.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Add the user account to the sudoer's group. Replace user with the actual operating system user name.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Reboot so group changes take effect.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- Then follow the rest of the commands:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- After Reboot:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- For simplicity, you can copy and paste the following commands without changes, download and store Whonix image in your home folder (which is the default for most of the browsers to save downloads in /home/username but if you like to use the commands in /home/username/Downloads because you downloaded whonix kvm image there then up to you)
- To download the qcow2 images please press on Download Whonix icon
- After whonix kvm image finished downloading follow the rest of the commands:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- Depend on your desktop environment these images for KDE as e.g:
Start Menu
→ Applications
→ System
→ Virtual Machine Manager
→ Open
→ Play symbol
To take snapshots, please follow the instructions below:
Manage VM snapshots
→ Create new snapshot
→ Type Name & Description
→ Finish
To start the snapshot, please follow the instructions below:-
Right click on snapshot
→ Start snapshot
→ Yes

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