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Electrum-LTC in Whonix


Documentation for this is incomplete. Contributions are happily considered! See this for potential alternatives.

Info COMMUNITY SUPPORT ONLY : THIS WHOLE WIKI PAGE is only supported by the community. Whonix developers are very unlikely to provide free support for this content. See Community Support for further information, including implications and possible alternatives.

warning Security warning: Installing third party software allows the vendor to potentially compromise your system. Proceed at your own risk! See Foreign Sources for further information.

Whonix default admin password is: changeme Documentation in the Whonix wiki provides guidance on installing third-party software from different upstream sources. This is especially useful as upstream often includes generic instructions for various Linux distributions, which may be complex for users to follow. Additionally, documentation Whonix usually has a higher focus on security, digital software signatures verification.

The instructions provided here serve as a "translation layer" from upstream documentation to Whonix, offering assistance in most scenarios. Nevertheless, it's important to acknowledge that upstream software may undergo changes over time. Consequently, the documentation on this wiki might need occasional updates, such as revised signing key fingerprints, to stay current and accurate.

Please note, this is a general wiki template and may not apply to all upstream documentation scenarios.

Users encountering issues, such as connectivity issues, are advised to adhere to the Self Support First Policy and engage in Generic Bug Reproduction. This involves attempting to replicate the issue on Debian bookworm (over Tor), contacting upstream directly if the issue can be reproduced as such problems are likely unspecific to Whonix. In most cases, Whonix is not responsible for, nor capable of resolving, issues stemming from third-party software.

For further information, refer to Introduction, User Expectations - What Documentation Is and What It Is Not.

Should the user encounter bugs related to third-party software, it is advisable to report these issues to the respective upstream projects. Additionally, users are encouraged to share links to upstream bug reports in the Whonix forums and/or make edits to this wiki page. For instance, if there are outdated links or key fingerprints in need of updating, please feel free to make the necessary changes. Contributions aimed at maintaining the currentness and accuracy of information are highly valued. These updates not only improve the quality of the wiki but also serve as a useful resource for other users.

The Whonix wiki is an open platform where everyone is welcome to contribute improvements and edits, with or without an account. Edits to this wiki are subject to moderation, so contributors should not worry about making mistakes. Your edits will be reviewed before being made public, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the information provided.


Download and Digital Software Verification[edit]

Perform these steps inside Whonix-Workstation (Qubes-Whonix: anon-whonix App Qube).



gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0xCAE1092AD3553FFD21C05DE36FC4C9F7F1BE8FEA


gpg --fingerprint 0xCAE1092AD3553FFD21C05DE36FC4C9F7F1BE8FEA


scurl-download --tlsv1.2 https://electrum-ltc.org/download/electrum-ltc-


scurl-download --tlsv1.2 https://electrum-ltc.org/download/electrum-ltc-


gpg --verify electrum-ltc-

If the file is verified successfully, the output will include Good signature, which is the most important thing to check.

gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.

This message does not alter the validity of the signature related to the downloaded key. Rather, this warning refers to the level of trust placed in the Whonix signing key and the web of trust. To remove this warning, the Whonix signing key must be personally signed with your own key.


chmod +x ~/electrum-ltc-


mkdir --parents ~/bin


mv electrum-ltc- ~/bin/electrum-ltc

Configure Electrum-LTC - Debian based Offline Computer[edit]

User setup specific notice.

  • A) Not using Debian based Offline Computer: Ignore this wiki chapter.
  • B) Debian based Offline Computer: No special notice.

Should not be needed since offline computer but useful anyhow just in case.

Connect only to one server (own server) instead of any third party servers.

~/bin/electrum-ltc --offline setconfig oneserver true

Connect to own local server.

~/bin/electrum-ltc --offline setconfig server

Avoid auto connecting to third party servers (and avoid Electrum-LTC first start wizard asking to).

~/bin/electrum-ltc --offline setconfig auto_connect false

Add a Electrum-LTC Start Menu Entry - Debian based Offline Computer[edit]

Creating a Electrum-LTC start menu entry.

This step is optional.

1. User setup specific notice.

  • A) Not using Debian based Offline Computer: If you don't use a Debian based Offline Computer then you cannot use the instructions from this wiki chapter without modification. In that case you would have to drop --oneserver --server below.
  • B) Debian based Offline Computer: No special notice.

2. Create folder ~/.local/share/applications.

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications

3. Open file ~/.local/share/applications/electrum-ltc.desktop in a text editor of your choice as a regular, non-root user.

If you are using a graphical environment, run. mousepad ~/.local/share/applications/electrum-ltc.desktop

If you are using a terminal, run. nano ~/.local/share/applications/electrum-ltc.desktop

4. Paste the following contents.

[Desktop Entry] Name=Electrum-LTC Comment=electrum-ltc Exec=bash -c '~/bin/electrum-ltc --oneserver --server' Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=money-manager-ex StartupWMClass=litecoin MimeType=x-scheme-handler/litecoin; Categories=Finance;

5. Save.

6. Done.

The Electrum-LTC start menu entry available should be available.

Start from Command Line[edit]

To start Electrum-LTC from the command line, run.


See Also[edit]

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