Other Browsers

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Using Browsers other than Tor Browser in Whonix.

Warning Warning:

In Whonix, for better anonymity it is recommended to use only Tor Browser for browsing the internet. Use of any browsers such as Chromium, Kicksecure logo Firefox Onion Version , Opera and others is discouraged. Reasons for that are elaborated on the Tor Browser wiki page.

info Whonix is The Everything Tor operating system (OS). All internet traffic is routed through the Tor anonymity network, without exceptions. Whonix is the "All Tor Operating System", featuring reliable IP hiding.

This of course also includes Chromium, Firefox, Opera and other browsers. Due to Whonix's Watertight Privacy Architecturearchive.org iconarchive.today icon, Whonix provides the strongest protection of your IP address.

The reason why browsers other than Tor Browser are discouraged is because hiding your identity is harder than just hiding your IP. See also IP Hiding is an Outdated Threat Model. This is also elaborated on the Tor Browser wiki page.

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