32-bit or 64-bit?

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Whonix 64bit builds.

From Whonix 14 onward, only 64-bit builds are available for download.

32-bit builds are unsupported.

See also System Requirements.

[1] This decision is based on several factors:


  1. https://phabricator.whonix.org/T91archive.org
  2. For example in Tailsarchive.org, less than 10% of users had 32-bit kernels in late 2016.
  3. That is, Whonix would need to maintain 10 images instead of the current 6 images.
  4. Previously, Non-Qubes-Whonix 13 users (deprecatedarchive.org) who relied on 32-bit (i686) hardware were still able to use Whonix 14 by using the upgrade instructions. This was because none of the Whonix packages were made 64-bit only. A similar procedure is no longer possible, but interested readers can refer to this phabricator entryarchive.org and forum postarchive.org.

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