Design Documentation
(Redirected from Dev)

Technical Design and Conception of the Whonix Anonymous Operating System.

Technical Design[edit]
- Dev/Technical Introduction, Whonix Framework, Security Overview
- Comparison of Whonix, Tails, Tor Browser, TorVM and corridor
- Comparison of different Whonix variants
- Comparison Of Tor Proxies CGI proxies Proxy Chains And VPN Services
- Protocol-Leak-Protection and Fingerprinting-Protection
- Time Synchronization Mechanism
- Stream Isolation
- systemcheck
- LeakTests to check everything is properly set up
- Anonymity Network
- Dev/About Computer (In)Security
- Dev/Threat Model
- Dev/Operating System, Debian, Ubuntu, ...
- Dev/Virtualization Platform
- Whonix-Gateway™ / Graphical Whonix-Gateway™ benefits over Headless Whonix-Gateway™
- Dev/Host
- Whonix-Host
- Fingerprint
- Dev/Entropy
- Whonix Whonix against Real Attacks
- Security Reviews and Feedback, Press, Media
- (encrypted) (authenticated) Connection Between Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation™
- Dev/Build Anonymity
- Dev/Expected Build Warnings
Relationship With Upstream
About Infrastructure
- Trusting Whonix
Verified Boot
(Secure Boot)
- Verifiable Builds (as in reproducible, but not exactly reproducible)
- Factory Reset, Stateless Systems, Reproducible Systems, Verifiable Systems, Clear Linux, NixOS, Fedora Silverblue
- NEXT: In development for next Whonix version
- onion-grater (Control Port Filter Proxy)
- Automatic Updates (APT) - to Use or Not Use Them
Package Manager Graphical
One Click Update Script - Simplified, Assisted Updates
- Dummy Tor package on Whonix-Workstation (anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor)
- About Debian Packaging
- Criteria for installing applications by default in Whonix, Default Application Policy, package sources, software sources, Debian software package repository,,, software from non-APT repository software sources (Tor Browser)
- Tor Config Files torrc / Why Waste Network Bandwidth by Downloading Operating System Updates over Tor?
- Dev/setup-dist
- Disclaimer in setup-dist - Background of it
- anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor, prevents Tor over Tor
- Versioning Format Conventions for packages developed under the Whonix hat
- Comparison Of Package Managers
- Advanced Deanonymization Attacks, Covert Channels
- Dev/Advanced Deanonymization Attacks, Covert Channels
- Stable Version User Experience
- Coding Style
- Latency Obfuscator
- RAM Wipe, cryptsetup suspend
- non-freedom, proprietary, closed source firmware, CPU microcode and drivers
Detailed Design[edit]
Future Technical Design[edit]
- Permanent Takedown Attack Defender, proposal to defend a permanent takedown threat
- Project / Emergency News
- controversy of anonymous MAC addresses
- apt revoker
- vanguards notification graphical user interface (GUI)
- Dev/remount-secure - Secure Mount Options
Confidential Computing, Cloud Considerations
General Developer Pages[edit]
- Documentation Guidelines
- Documentation Markup Format Converters
- Developer Portal
- Dev/Archived Discussions, development discussions, old and recent, bugs, features, etc.
- Git branches
- APT Repository (Whonix Debian Package Maintenance) (.deb), reprepro
- Some random thoughts about a future GNOME desktop, GNOME proxy
- Introduction into the Whonix build method and source code
- Whonix News File Format
- SSL certificate pinning
- development discussion if JonDo(Fox) could be pre-installed in Whonix-Workstation
- Whonix Host operating system or even VM operating system - development discussion
- Network Manager (NM) in Whonix instead of ifupdown - development discussion
- Dev/Other Virtualization Platforms
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Consideration running a DHCP server on Whonix-Gateway and running a DHCP client in Whonix-Workstation
- Dev/Permissions
- Hosting a Whonix Mirror
- Why we should avoid APT Pinning / preferences / backports by default
- Comparing Password Managers, finding out best choice as default installed one
- Dev/Porting
- Dev/Logo
- The Tor Project (TPO) Trademark
- 32bit vs 64bit - How effort would multiply when 64bit images (same for other desktop environments such as Gnome)
- Firefox Add-On, debugging, "live" edits
- tor-launcher add-on screenshots
- backup script, to make a backup of most content
- Firewall Unloading / flush iptables
- Dev/Qubes
- Qubes Split GPG
- Firewall Refactoring
- Dev/Test - How to "UnWhonix" - Instructions on how to remove Whonix Tor default networking for Whonix-Gateway. After applying these instructions, Whonix-Gateway will connect to clearnet.
- Firejail
- grsecurity
- Whonix-Linux-Installer
- Whonix Windows Installer
- Dev/Whonix-Windows-User-Interface
- Whonix Windows Installer - Testers Only Version
- Whonix Cooperation with Researchers
- Host Keys in various Virtualizers / special keys
- Gajim - TODO for installing Gajim by default in Whonix
- Ledger Hardware Wallet Development Notes
- AEM - anti evil maid
- Boot Clock Randomization
- user-sysmaint-split, Boot Modes
- Dev/mobile
- Dev/yubikey
- Non Anonymous NAT Traversal
- Whonix friendly applications best practices
- Dev/Licensing
- Tor Browser without Tor
- VirusForget - deactivate malware after reboot from non-root compromise
- bash proper whitespace handling
- wallpaper
- certification / audit
- Windows 10 Issues collection
- Polls Collections (Surveys)
- Automated Tests
- Warrant Canary Draft
- Dev/Astra Linux
- Dev/Torified Wi-Fi Hotspot (WiFi)
- Xfce Desktop Environment Notes, xfconfd, desktop background image, configuration files
Open Source Business Models
audio, ALSA, PulseAudio, PipeWire
Website Developer Pages[edit]
- website and wiki HTML / CSS improvements
- Issue, Bug, Feature Request Tracker, phabricator
- mediawiki CSS
- Site Security
- OpenPGP Signed Website
- Hompage of Whonix, Experiments with Browser Load Speed and Content
- Web Backend, CMS vs non-CMS, vs github-pages, etc.
- mediawiki, codeselect, select code, short / long / recommended / detailed buttons
- Transparency, Guidelines for Advertising on, Affiliate Policy
- snapshot using command line interface (CLI)
- Privacy Policy Technical Details of the Whonix Website
Download / Installation - Developer Pages[edit]
- Download Security
- Statistics on Downloads and OpenPGP verification and how we can improve that
- Dev/Download Wizard
- Software Verification (OpenPGP / gpg) Usability Issues / Secure Downloader to Download Whonix Images
- Installation from Whonix repository - "sudo apt install whonix"
- VM image download from repository - "sudo apt install whonix-gateway-ova"
Other Related[edit]
- Documentation
- whonix-devel mailing list archive
- Build Documentation, How to build Whonix from Source Code, How to update Whonix from Source Code
- Whonix Source Code
- Whonix Developer Meta Files, Scripts for managing the Whonix GNU/Linux Distribution
- Maintenance, The Tor Project (TPO) apt repository package mirroring to repository, Tor Browser hardcoded version file
- Redistribution Pre Building (Only required if you want to redistribute (official) Whonix release builds.)
- Redistribution Post Building (Only required if you want to redistribute (official) Whonix release builds.)
- Essential Whonix Functionality Tests
- Whonix² Project Vision
- Project Philosophy
- Community Survey, collecting feedback for the future direction of Whonix
- OneVM - Whonix implementation with just a single VM (Tor runs on host)
- Installing I2P on Whonix-Gateway (I2PBOX)
- JonDonym as Tor replacement (JonDoBOX)
- VPN, VPN's as a Tor replacement (VPNBOX)
- Proxy, Proxies as a Tor replacement (ProxyBOX), Transparent Proxying Method, Proxy Settings Method / ProxyBOX
- Freenet on the Whonix-Gateway (FreenetBOX)
- RetroShare as Anonymizer
- Dev/Zerobox (ZeroNet)

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