Dev/Continuous Integration
Development Notes of Whonix and Continuous Integration (CI)
CI Services in Use[edit]
- CI build status:
- forum discussion:
Other CI Services not in use due to issues[edit][edit]
- No root. - Asked support. - Impossible to build Whonix VM images. kpartx and mount require root.
- Whonix[edit]
- "Due to our limited capacity we cannot accept all projects at once and that's why your subscription was queued. As we increase our capacity we will allow more and more open-source projects, based on a first registered, first served policy. Here is your position in the queue:" 198 Whonix[edit]
- gpg key creation takes very very log due to low entropy - asked support
- another issue while running grml-debootstrap
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: Operation not permitted Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver. device mapper prerequisites not met * Error setting up loopback device. -> Failed (rc=1)
General Note about Free CI Services in use for Building Whonix[edit]
Since all Continuous Integration (CI) services we know of run Ubuntu and Whonix is based on Debian.
Even if a Whonix Ubuntu based build would exist and CI build pass, that would not necessarily mean, that a Debian based build would have passed as well. Therefore the usefulness of the results would be limited anyhow. Nevertheless, compatibility with CI environments is a very useful "stress test" for the build script. It helps early spotting most bugs, which break the build.
Since there are no free CI services supporting mount (device-mapper), there is unfortunately no free CI service which could be used for building Whonix Virtual Machine images.

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