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Development Notes about Fedora


Consideration for recommending Fedora as a host operating system...


  • Looks much more friendly and modern.
  • It is available over SSL.
  • Verification icon are also available over SSL.
  • GPG signing key is available over SSL.

Package Manager

  • yum is as safe as apt according to the people

Consideration for using it as Virtual Machine Guest

(i.e. for Whonix-Gateway and Whonix-Workstation)

  • Is there a tool to create virtual machine images like there is grml-debootstrap for Debian?
    • The feature set of grml-debootstrap seems to be a one-liner solution to getting a fully working install.
    • Fedora supports kickstart files, which are the equivalent of Debian preseeding. It should conceivably not be too difficult to achieve a grml-debootstrap experience using kickstart files plus some minimal scripting (if one does not exist already). Fedora has automated builds for Docker images.
  • The more restrictive approach taken by SELinux (which is default in Fedora) might offer some security benefits.

In-Place Release Upgrades:

  • Can be release-upgraded in-place from one major release to another. [1]

Release Cycle:

  • Fedora has a relatively short life cycle: each version is usually supported for at least 13 months, where version X is supported only until 1 month after version X+2 is released and with approximately 6 months between most versions.

  • Can Whonix keep up with that?

Conflict of interest:

  • Fedora won't really get stable since that would obsolete RHEL?

Package repository:

  • Smaller than Debian?


  • DNF equivalent is python3-dnf-plugin-torproxy.

Fedora doesn't seem to care about Reproducible icon.

Other stuff:

  • Has not been considered yet.
  • What would be particularly interesting is if Whonix could provide a generalized set of scripts to set up the target environment in as much of a distro-agnostic way as possible (perhaps by leveraging Ansible, or similar). Making a working Fedora version in addition to Debian might be a start toward that. → Unrealistic. Would require a dedicated contributor. A port causes a huge amount of work.
  • Also interesting would be a containerized version of the Whonix-Gateway that could be easily deployed on a host OS (this provides less anonymity than what Whonix is mainly aiming at, but has different use cases): for example, setting up an OnionPi-style hotspot. Current solutions, like the Adafruit OnionPi tutorial, are (1) not very easily deployable, (2) not as feature-full - for example, limited to HTTP or particular protocols - not full isolating proxies, and (3) tend to have a large footprint on the host/root OS. -- ideally, one Raspi could be used both for providing a Tor Hotspot and for numerous other functions, with the Tor hotspot functions contained in one LXC and using only a handful of ports and hardware interfaces from the host OS. → Same as above.

Debugging Scriptlets[edit]

1) Add the prerun scriptlet to a file by running the following command (credit[2]):

rpm -q --queryformat '%{PREUN}\n' qubes-template-whonix-gw-experimental > ~/qubes-template-whonix-gw-experimental.preun

2) Run that script as root while having errexit, xtrace enabled and output exit code:

sudo sh -ex ~/qubes-template-whonix-gw-experimental.preun 0 ; echo $?

The file name qubes-template-whonix-gw-experimental.preun actually doesn't matter. You could use a shorter file name.


sudo yum langinstall de

Requires newer yum. So at the moment the easiest is using a Fedora based VM as UpdateVM.

sudo qubes-dom0-update langinstall de


phone home issue (says closed but is unfixed): icon

Forum Discussion[edit] icon

See Also[edit]


  1. icon
  2. Thanks to airfishey for the icon on unix.stackexchange.

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