Whonix 2020 Logo Contest
Existing downloadable Whonix banners, logos and graphics be found here.
Logo Contest[edit]
In 2020, Whonix will have provided advanced anonymity and security to users for more than eight years. To celebrate this milestone we are announcing a contest for designers to create a new, vibrant Whonix logo to give the platform a greater visual impact.
The current Whonix logo and banner
are now more than four years old and appear a little tired and dated.
Graphical Requirements[edit]
- The source must be in Scalable Vector Graphics (
) format. - The image design should convey some of the concepts fundamental to Whonix: secrecy, privacy, anonymity, mystery and simplicity.
- The logo should have a
ratio. (old logo.) The size can be500x500
. - The landscape graphical creation should have a
ratio including the logo. (old banner) The size can be1500x500
. - The
name must be spelled with an uppercase "W
" only, and lowercase "honix
". - The logo or banner should be suitable for printing. The intent is to produce attractive stickers that can be placed on computers as well as stylish t-shirts that people are proud to wear.
- Images should have no resemblance to occult symbols.
Legal Requirements[edit]
- The Tor, Debian or other related logos cannot be used for trademark/legal reasons.
- All images rights will be surrendered to the Whonix project (ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LLC
(A Series of OTOCO RMI LLC, Registration Number 966308, formed on December 4, 2023) ).
- The logo may be used for Whonix official branding/trademark.
- Make sure the fonts in use are compatible with GPL3+.
- This is a voluntary contribution without any financial remuneration.
- All proposals can be discussed in public.
- Since a number of contributors might submit design ideas, there is no guarantee your design will be chosen.
Complementary Materials[edit]
As the logo and banner will be used in various places, contributors are encouraged to submit complementary materials. This is not a strict requirement, but it assists in evaluating proposals. Further, if your logo is chosen, we will require these materials before the logo and banner are publicly used.
The complementary materials are:
- Necessary fonts to create other material matching the logo.
- Post in forum thread
or e-mail
.)Please DO NOT use e-mail for one of the following reasons: Private Contact: Please avoid e-mail whenever possible. (Private Communications Policy) User Support Questions: No. (See Support.) Leaks Submissions: No. (No Leaks Policy) Sponsored posts: No. Paid links: No. SEO reviews: No.- 31 December 2020: Deadline for sending proposals.
- 31 January 2021: The winner is announced.
- https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/logo/
- https://tails.boum.org/news/logo_contest/index.en.html
- https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/5797
Whonix Dev/Logo Contest wiki page Copyright (C) Amnesia <amnesia at boum dot org>
Whonix Dev/Logo Contest wiki page Copyright (C) 2012 - 2025 ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LLC <adrelanos(at)whonix.org
.)Please DO NOT use e-mail for one of the following reasons: Private Contact: Please avoid e-mail whenever possible. (Private Communications Policy) User Support Questions: No. (See Support.) Leaks Submissions: No. (No Leaks Policy) Sponsored posts: No. Paid links: No. SEO reviews: No. >This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the wiki source code.
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