Qubes-Whonix development notes.
Important Issues[edit]
Important Networking Issues[edit]
- change Qubes network policy, UpdatesProxy to network disabled by default for better leak-proofness #3994
- disallow setting netvm of whonix-ws to a non whonix-gw
- self-contained Qubes templates including meta scripts (salt) / improve Qubes-Whonix installation usability
- Absence of add UpdateVM setting to qubes-vm-settings
feature leads to user confusion which VM will be used as UpdateVM.
- UpdateVM for templates always defaults to sys-net #3118
- UpdateVM setting is confused by users as UpdatesProxy, thereby leading Template upgrades not over Tor.
- Qubes-Whonix Security Disadvantages
- sys-net phones home to fedoraproject.org for captive portal detection #1814
- Qubes openQA test missing
- document how to route all traffic over Tor / how to disable Qubes default clearnet traffic #7586
- Qubes should keep IP forwarding in VMs with the provides network (Net Qube) disabled by default #7801
- Create sys-ops-whonix VM for Enhanced Security and Isolation in Qubes-Whonix #9294
Important Security Disadvantages[edit]
Important General Issues[edit]
- Qubes Updater Issues, Qubes Updater Issues
, most notably such as:
- qubes-dom0-update shows
No updates available
in case of network is down /qubes-dom0-update
fails to notice if repositories are unreachable / network is down,
- Updating via Salt falsely claims to succeed when it actually fails
- Replace built-in Qube Manager update functionality with the Qubes Update tool
- qubes-dom0-update - dom0 package updates are downloaded but not installed
- qubes-dom0-update shows
- Tor Browser default screen resolution different between Qubes Debian & Whonix templates versus plain Debian
- Ensure Qubes firewall loads at the right time during VM boot
- RELATED,ESTABLISHED -> ESTABLISHED linux kernel hardening
- unprivilege the CPU's random number generator (RDRAND) / set kernel parameter "random.trust_cpu=off"
(closed by stalebot without resolution)
- Stop leaking dom0 timezone to Qubes-Whonix
Usability Issues[edit]
- Switching qube to Whonix template fails to add anon-vm qvm-tag, resulting in sys-whonix: denied: denied by policy
- Kicksecure inside Debian Template sdwdate qrexec Denied message
Practicality Issues[edit]
- Installer parses and modifies pre-existing partitions even if given disk is not selected for installation #2835
- Qubes Initial Setup impossible to debug
- qvm-backup-restore fails with scrypt: Input is not valid scrypt-encrypted block
- Qubes R4 after upgrades boot process stuck at "Reached Target Basic System"
More Issues[edit]
- avoid installation of unnecessary packages / clean up packages_ in Debian based templates
- fix Qubes source code copyright / licensing declaration, machine readable copyright, use SPDX License Identifier
- qrexec feature request: send this over qrexec to the NetVM I am connected to / sys-whonix hardcoded / sys-whonix unexpected autostart
More Reported Issues[edit]
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/created_by/adrelanos?page=2&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+author%3Aadrelanos
Backup Issues[edit]
- backup horror story: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/7567#issuecomment-1257732586
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/7809
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/3498
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/6386
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/7797
issue reports:
Can somehow the number of the VM vm80 be used to deduce the VM name so I can check/try again?
it is QID, try qvm-ls -O name,qid
Write Qubes ISO Installer Image to USB[edit]
When using an App Qube such as iso-download
pv < /path/to/iso > /path/to/linux/device
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Qubes Initial Setup Debugging[edit]
What is the Qubes Initial Setup? See this:
- https://www.qubes-os.org/attachment/doc/initial-setup-menu.png
- https://www.qubes-os.org/attachment/doc/initial-setup-menu-configuration.png
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
source: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/7244#issuecomment-1035516089
Qubes Persistence[edit]
Table: Qubes R4 Inheritance and Persistence
Inheritance [1] | Persistence [2] | |
Template![]() |
n/a | Everything |
App Qubes![]() |
/etc/skel/ to /home/
/rw/ (includes /home/ and bind-dirs ![]() |
Disposable Template![]() |
/etc/skel/ to /home/
/rw/ (includes /home/ , /usr/local and bind-dirs ![]() |
Disposable![]() |
/rw/ (includes /home/ , /usr/local and bind-dirs ![]() |
Nothing |
Debian Template[edit]
bind-dirs vs Tor[edit]
Does bind-dirs will be run before /lib/systemd/system/tor@default.service?
qubes-mount-dirs.service has Before=local-fs.target, which it ordered before sysinit.target. After=sysinit.target in turns is included by default (unless DefaultDependencies=noDefaultDependencies=no).
Config Files Changes[edit]
I don't know how rpm packaging works. However, the TorVM rpm packaging seems simpler to me and introduce less overhead than Debian packaging at first view. Is there something like config-package-dev for Fedora? config-package-dev is a package to overtake ownership of other > package's files. Such as, in Debian the Tor package owns /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc. Whonix needs to modify that file and keep it updated. config-package-dev can be used to avoid getting the file being overwritten when upstream releases and upgrade. Is there something like this for Fedora or is this even required? That would make a port much simpler, because for many parts, it is just diverted config files.
qubes-tor pacakages provides own config file (tor --defaults-torrc option used), so no need to override the one provided by tor package.
But to answer your question - no, rpm do not have option to take ownership of files from other packages, but to workaround this (rather sensible) limitation you can modify the config in triggers (so the file will be modified after each original package update).
Qubes uses non-fixed LAN IPs? How do internal LAN IPs get assigned to TorVM / AppVMs?
QubesVm IP address is generated based on its netvm ID (subnet number) and the said VM static ID, so unless user is switching netvm, the IP is pretty static. We've chosen 10.137.<subnet-id>.<vm-id> which is quite exotic so conflicts with real LAN are very rare (even if rather harmless in isolated network).
Tor Browser[edit]
In your Torless TBB launcher script for use with Qubes' transparent Tor proxy, TOR_SOCKS_HOST= Is this supposed to be the same for all Qubes machines regardless of how many ProxyVMs users have created (or other user settings)? Or is the user supposed to change this before using the script?
Perhaps it is good idea to add some firewall rule in TorVM to redirect traffic to any IP + port 9050/9049 to the tor running in TorVM. This way AnonVM can use any IP as a sock proxy address.
Time Sync[edit]
Discussion about insecurity of NTP:
Can Qubes OS leave VM's clocks untouched and keep time sync to the VM or is there some forced-VM-timesync-with-dom-0 that can not be turned off? In that case, that would be a bad.
Currently time synchronization is done in some silly way: qvm-sync-clock called each 6min from dom0 cron. That tool fetch the current time using ntpdate in netvm (VM set as clockvm in qubes-prefs), then pass the result to 'date -s' in each VM.
You can disable this mechanism globally by unsetting(*) clockvm (qubes-prefs -s clockvm none).
(*) Which apparently was broken, fix will be included in updates soon.
Install a comfortable editor (optional!).
sudo qubes-dom0-update kate
Edit your VM settings. (Feel free to drop 'EDITOR=kate' and/or to use an editor of your choice.)
sudo EDITOR=kate virsh edit whonix-ws
Find the following block.
<clock offset='utc' adjustment='reset'> <timer name='tsc' mode='native'/> </clock>
Replace it with the following.
<clock offset='utc'> <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup' track='guest'/> <timer name='xen' present='no'/> </clock>
How big is Qubes OS's user base?[edit]
IP Spoofing Protection[edit]
AppVMs can't spoof each other in Qubes' network.
Corollary: stream isolation cannot be circumvented.
Inter-VM Networking[edit]
Current Qubes + Whonix implementation has both the Whonix-Gateway™ and Whonix-Workstation™ connected to the same backend FirewallVM and iptables forwarding is manually established between the Whonix IP addresses. This current method is really just an efficient hack for our initial Qubes + Whonix implementation. The native/proper way to network VMs in Qubes is via chaining their networking "backend" together, which is part of Xen networking structure. This is how other VMs in Qubes are networked, including TorVM. According to Qubes devs, these Xen backends provide simple point-to-point networking between VMs. So this would be advantageous for further isolation of inter-VM Whonix traffic, since, currently, all inter-VM traffic is routed through the internet-facing FirewallVM, which can also be shared by other VMs. This current implementation with a shared FirewallVM could be somewhat of a security concern for inter-VM traffic, and a reason to move to native/proper isolated point-to-point "backend" networking. Also, in the future, it is desirable to leverage full ProxyVM/ServiceVM networking between Whonix-Gateway™ and Whonix-Workstation™, as the TorVM does. ProxyVM utilizes Xen "backend" networking but automates it with transparent Qubes GUI networking, making use of dynamically created virtual networking interfaces. Whonix may need to add onto or adjust its internal networking setup to be compatible with such native Qubes networking.
Older, perhaps outdated discussions related to this topic:
- https://groups.google.com/g/qubes-users/c/RFXoZ3zt-PE
- https://groups.google.com/g/qubes-users/c/GhgWH5mHf2E/m/0LU35M6GPecJ
- https://groups.google.com/g/qubes-users/c/GhgWH5mHf2E/m/96odaNoBVRwJ
Newer discussion:
- https://forums.whonix.org/t/multiple-whonix-workstations-that-can-communicate-with-each-other
- https://tor.stackexchange.com/questions/13522/how-to-configure-whonix-gateway-for-communication-between-two-local-workstations/13546#13546
grep -r *[edit]
packages/anon-ws-leaktest/usr/lib/leaktest-workstation/simple_ping.py:target = ""
Let's make a patch adding command line support implementing either --qubes or --ip?
packages/systemcheck/usr/libexec/systemcheck/preparation: GATEWAY_IP="" packages/systemcheck/usr/libexec/systemcheck/preparation: GATEWAY_IP=""
Overruleable. These variables get only set there if they are not yet set. So they can be manipulated by using environment variables, or better by dropping a config snippet to /etc/systemcheck.d/40_qubes, /etc/systemcheck.d/40_qubes that contains: export GATEWAY_IP="<qubes-ip>"
(Make that 40_qubes_autogenerated if the file gets autogenerated.)
packages/anon-kde-streamiso/usr/share/anon-kde-streamiso/share/config/kioslaverc:socksProxy= 9122
We could implement a package anon-kde-streamiso-qubes, that overrules anon-kde-streamiso and that gets only installed when using --qubes. (KDE config files are stackable although debuging is a bit cumbersome.) We'd just have to make sure the path to anon-kde-streamiso-qubes comes (before or after?) anon-kde-streamiso's path in the KDEDIRS envrionment variable.
Or we could install either anon-kde-streamiso or anon-kde-streamiso-qubes (--qubes) depending on which build switch is being used.
packages/anon-kde-streamiso/debian/control: settings are set, for KDE applications to socks packages/anon-kde-streamiso/README.md:settings are set, for KDE applications to socks
Just a package description strings doing nothing. Either nevermind or rewrite the comment.
packages/whonix-base-files/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90whonix:## running on forwarding to packages/whonix-base-files/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90whonix:## running on forwarding to packages/whonix-base-files/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90whonix:## running on forwarding to packages/whonix-base-files/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90whonix:#Acquire::socks::proxy "socks://";
These are just comments doing nothing. We can either nevermind or rewrite the comments.
packages/whonix-ws-firewall/usr/bin/whonix_firewall:[ -n "$GATEWAY_IP" ] || GATEWAY_IP="" packages/whonix-ws-firewall/etc/whonix_firewall.d/30_default.conf:GATEWAY_IP=""
File: /etc/whonix_firewall.d/40_qubes
Content: GATEWAY_IP="<qubes-ip>"
Note: Keep a possible race condiation in mind. Depending on how that config snippnett is created and when whonix_firewall starts. Should the config change after whonix_firewall was already loaded, reload Whonix firewall ("sudo whonix_firewall").
packages/helper-scripts/usr/lib/helper-scripts/tor_bootstrap_check.bsh: TOR_CONTROL_HOST="" packages/helper-scripts/usr/lib/helper-scripts/tor_bootstrap_check.bsh: TOR_CONTROL_HOST=""
Overruleable. These variables get only set there if they are not yet set. So they can be manipulated by using environment variables, or better by dropping a config snippet to /etc/systemcheck.d/40_qubes, /etc/systemcheck.d/40_qubes and /etc/torbrowser.d/40_qubes that contains: export TOR_CONTROL_HOST="<qubes-ip>"
(Make that 40_qubes_autogenerated if the file gets autogenerated.)
packages/uwt/usr/bin/uwt: echo " sudo $NAME -i -p 9104 /usr/bin/apt --yes full-upgrade"
Just an output string when using "uwt -h". Not overrulable at the moment. We can either put both IPs in there. Or would it be worth sourcing the /etc/uwt.d folder to make that IP configurable? (It is also a performance question.)
packages/uwt/etc/uwt.d/30_uwt_default: uwtwrapper_gateway_ip=""
Overrulable. Create a file /etc/uwt.d/40_qubes with content: uwtwrapper_gateway_ip="<qubes-ip>".
packages/uwt/man/uwt.1.ronn:`sudo uwt -t 5 -i -p 9104 /usr/bin/apt-get.anondist-orig --yes full-upgrade` packages/uwt/man/uwt.1.ronn: uwt -t 5 -i -p 9109 /usr/bin/wget ${1+"$@"}
Just a man page documentation string. We could modify the man page to cover both use cases.
packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:TransPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:DnsPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:#SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:## to [as part of the packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc.anondist:SocksPort IsolateDestAddr IsolateDestPort
Not overrulable. Unfortunatly Tor does not support variables in config files. Should I (Patrick) make a feature request against Tor?
If you could use static IPs, we could fall back to use Debian packaging's patching mechanism. But that would be burdensome maintenance wise. Because there would be need for a separate qubes repository, that always has the patch applied. Or users would always have to upgrade from source code, which seems inconvenient. Or can we think of something else?
packages/tb-updater/usr/bin/update-torbrowser: [ -n "$GATEWAY_IP" ] || GATEWAY_IP=""
Overrulable. Create a file /etc/torbrowser.d/40_qubes with content: GATEWAY_IP="<qubes-ip>".
packages/whonix-legacy/debian/whonix-legacy.preinst: sed -i 's/' "/home/user/.torchat/torchat.ini" || true packages/whonix-legacy/debian/whonix-legacy.preinst: sed -i 's/' "/home/user/.xchat2/xchat.conf" || true
No change required here. Only applies to Whonix 8.3.
packages/{{project_name_gateway_template}}-network-conf/etc/network/interfaces.whonix: address
TODO research: Does ifupdown support variables? If not... We have to think of something.
TODO research: Does /etc/resolv.conf support variables? If not... We have to think of something.
packages/anon-ws-dns-conf/debian/control:, where an Anon-Gateway is supposed to provide a DnsPort on port packages/anon-ws-dns-conf/README.md:, where an Anon-Gateway is supposed to provide a DnsPort on port
Just documentation strings. Either nevermind or patch documentation.
Overrulable. Create a file /etc/sdwdate.d/40_qubes with content: PROXY="<qubes-ip>"
packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso/debian/control: Sets sdwdate's proxy settings to socks packages/sdwdate-plugin-anon-shared-streamiso/README.md:Sets sdwdate's proxy settings to socks
Just documentation strings. Either nevermind or patch documentation.
packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/usr/lib/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/torbrowser.sh:## to {{project_name_gateway_short}} and packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/usr/lib/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/torbrowser.sh:## to {{project_name_gateway_short}} packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/usr/lib/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/torbrowser.sh:#export TOR_SOCKS_HOST=""
Just documentation strings. Either nevermind or patch documentation.
packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/etc/rinetd.conf.anondist: 9050 9050 packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/etc/rinetd.conf.anondist: 9150 9150 packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/etc/rinetd.conf.anondist: 11109 9119 packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/etc/rinetd.conf.anondist: 9051 9052 packages/anon-ws-disable-stacked-tor/etc/rinetd.conf.anondist: 9151 9052
packages/whonix-ws-network-conf/etc/network/interfaces.whonix: gateway
Same comment as whonix-gateway-17-network-conf/etc/network/interfaces.whonix.
packages/anon-torchat/usr/share/anon-torchat/.torchat/torchat.ini:tor_server = packages/anon-torchat/usr/share/anon-torchat/.torchat/torchat.ini:tor_server =
Probably requires a package anon-torchat-qubes that conflicts with anon-torchat that gets installed when using --qubes.
packages/xchat-improved-privacy/usr/share/xchat-improved-privacy/.xchat2/xchat.conf:# /set net_proxy_host
Just documentation strings. Either nevermind or patch documentation.
packages/xchat-improved-privacy/usr/share/xchat-improved-privacy/.xchat2/xchat.conf:net_proxy_host =
Just documentation strings. Either nevermind or patch documentation.
grep -r *[edit]
packages/whonix-ws-firewall/usr/bin/whonix_firewall:## From icmp_seq=1 Destination Port Unreachable
These are just comments doing nothing. We can either nevermind or rewrite the comments.
packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf.examples:HiddenServicePort 80 packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf.examples:HiddenServicePort 11009 packages/anon-gw-anonymizer-config/usr/local/etc/torrc.d/50_user.conf.examples:HiddenServicePort 80
These are just comments doing nothing. We can either nevermind or rewrite the comments.
packages/whonix-legacy/debian/whonix-legacy.preinst: sed -i 's/' "/home/user/.torchat/torchat.ini" || true
Same comment as for packages/whonix-legacy/debian/whonix-legacy.preinst.
packages/whonix-ws-network-conf/etc/network/interfaces.whonix: address
Same comment as for packages/whonix-gateway-17-network-conf/etc/network/interfaces.whonix above.
packages/anon-torchat/usr/share/anon-torchat/.torchat/torchat.ini:listen_interface =
Same comment as for packages/anon-torchat/usr/share/anon-torchat/.torchat/torchat.ini above.
sudo mv /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SetDateTime /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SetDateTime.disabled
tb-updater vs Template[edit]
prerequisite knowledge[edit]
- TPO stands for The Tor Project
- The /home folder of a Template is copied to a TemplateBasedVM at creation time of the TemplateBasedVM. From then, TemplateBasedVM's /home folder is left untouched. (Source: https://groups.google.com/g/qubes-users/c/WwVJhGA-Xnc
- Tor Browser installation path in Whonix 12 will change to ~/.tb. (https://phabricator.whonix.org/T338
- Since Qubes-Whonix 11, Tor Browser gets installed by default for new images. (Not for in place upgrades.)
- https://github.com/Kicksecure/tb-updater
- Tor Browser Internal Updater
- Tor Browser Updater (Whonix) is unable to keep user settings (modifications such as bookmarks). It renames the old folder. Adds ".old.$(date)". So nothing is lost. Then installs a fresh one. Something important to know. This limitation can probably not be lifted in tb-updater. Upgrading Tor Browser is hard. (TPO often changed the folder layout in past.) That's what Tor Browser's internal updater is for.
- No one has demonstrated yet, that it is possible to install & run and/or update TBB to either /usr/*, /opt/* or anything of that sort. This is because within the TBB folder, by TPO default, binaries and user data is mixed. (It is a portable application. [Portable with a meaning similar to portableapps.com. Portable on USB drives or similar. Not platform, arm + anything portable.])
- By TPO default, users are supposed to have TBB in their home folder.
- It is very unlikely, that TBB will be available as regular deb package anytime soon. [10]
- A quick an dirty packaging of TBB would likely require too much maintenance effort. [Needs keeping up with upstream releases.]
- Packaging TBB is further complicated, because TBB abuses Firefox's user settings mechanism for configuring anonymity related settings. (Firefox prefs) Therefore separation of binaries and user data is difficult.
- Once TBB is in user's home folder... [as TPO wants it] [and it does not work otherwise]... And once the user used it... And once the user stored settings there that the user cares about... [bookmarks, etc...] It gets very difficult for the Template and/or tb-updater to keep the TBB folder up to date. That's what Tor Browser Internal Updater is for.
- Unfortunately, this means, if a user had for example 5 different Qubes-Whonix-Workstation based AppVMs where Tor Browser is in use, the user would have to update each of its 5 TBBs using Tor Browser Internal Updater.
- This is an issue, because Qubes updates are already complicated. (Various templates and dom0 needs to be updated.) This adds another layer of complexity. Users also have to care about updating stuff from within their AppVMs, which is counter intuitive.
- TBB stable has automatic updates enabled by default. [11]
Implementation as of Qubes-Whonix 11[edit]
- As of Qubes-Whonix 11 it is confusing. Running tb-updater in the Template and restarting AppVM won't result in up to date TBB's. [Since if the Template modifies /home, this will not propagate to AppVM's /home.]
Headless TBB Internal Updater Updates in AppVMs[edit]
We could call a qrexec service that starts TBB in each individual AppVM heedlessly (without / with hidden gui, using xvfb or similar) so it will be fetching updates.
up to date versions of Tor Browsers in newly created AppVMs inherited from updated Templates[edit]
ship Tor Browser tarballs in Qubes Templates in /var/cache/tb-binary and extract in AppVMs at boot time to user's home folder:
keep as is[edit]
Newly created Qubes-Whonix-Workstation AppVMs inherit the TBB version that came pre-installed in the Qubes-Whonix-Workstation Template. From there, TBB's internal updater keeps care of updating it.
Forum Discussion[edit]
- https://forums.whonix.org/t/what-should-tor-browser-updater-whonix-do-in-a-templatevm
- https://forums.whonix.org/t/idea-for-aqrexec-service-to-install-new-versions-of-tor-browser-to-a-list-of-vms
Build Single Qubes Package[edit]
Debian dev[edit]
Source: https://groups.google.com/g/qubes-devel/c/o6pn-kV7cU0
BACKEND_VMM=xen dpkg-buildpackage -b
Fedora rpm[edit]
Source: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-mgmt-salt-dom0-virtual-machines/pull/15#issuecomment-408371583
the easiest way is to use qubes-builder, you can build a single by `make mgmt-salt-dom0-virtual-machines`. Otherwise, you need to manually:
- create tarball from the source dir
- fill version in `.spec.in` (writing it into `.spec` file)
- build it with `rpmbuild -bb <path-to-spec>`
Build Qubes-Whonix Templates[edit]
- Qubes-Whonix Templates are not built by derivative-maker.
- Qubes-Whonix Templates are not built by Qubes builder.
- This is therefore primarily a Qubes specific activity.
git clone https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-builder.git
(source of the following instructions)
cd qubes-builder
GIT_BASEURL ?= https://github.com GIT_PREFIX ?= QubesOS/qubes- NO_SIGN ?= 1 VERBOSE ?= 2 BACKEND_VMM = xen DIST_DOM0 ?= DISTS_VM ?= whonix-gateway whonix-workstation USE_QUBES_REPO_VERSION ?= 4.0 USE_QUBES_REPO_TESTING ?= 1 BRANCH ?= master COMPONENTS ?= \ linux-template-builder \ builder \ builder-debian \ template-whonix BUILDER_PLUGINS ?= \ builder-debian \ template-whonix GIT_URL_template_whonix = https://github.com/Whonix/qubes-template-whonix import-whonix-keys: if ! [ -d "$(KEYRING_DIR_GIT)" ]; then \ export GNUPGHOME="$(KEYRING_DIR_GIT)"; \ scripts/verify-git-tag; \ gpg --keyserver keys.openpgp.org --recv-key 916B8D99C38EAF5E8ADC7A2A8D66066A2EEACCDA || exit 1; \ echo '916B8D99C38EAF5E8ADC7A2A8D66066A2EEACCDA:6:' | gpg --import-ownertrust; \ fi get-sources: import-whonix-keys
make get-sources
make template
Official Builds[edit]
SIGN_KEY = 916B8D99C38EAF5E8ADC7A2A8D66066A2EEACCDA GITHUB_BUILD_TARGET = /repos/QubesOS/updates-status/issues/566/comments # https://github.com/settings/tokens GITHUB_API_KEY = replace-this # And if you use split-gpg: GNUPG = qubes-gpg-client ## TODO: needs to be updated per Qubes release RELEASE = 4.2
- [12]
- build command format
- Place for build template commands
- https://github.com/QubesOS/updates-status/issues
- https://github.com/QubesOS/build-issues/issues
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-template-configs/blob/master/R4.0/templates-community/whonix-16.conf
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-template-configs/blob/master/R4.1/templates-community/whonix-17.conf
- Run from
source folder:
Whonix 16:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Whonix 17:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- works as UpdateVM
- can be used as ProxyVM for Fedora and Debian templates
- systemcheck
) in sys-whonix, whonix, whonix-gateway-17, whonix-ws - Does qubes Whonix network / firewall service run after qubes-sysinit.service? Check full systemd dependency resolution.
Qubes VM Manger Firewall Tab Settings[edit]
Moved to Qubes/Firewall.
Qubes Upstream Bugs[edit]
stable vs testing[edit]
Building R3 vs R3.1. Comments on which branch / config to build.
Split GPG[edit]
See Dev/Split_GPG.
sys-whonix as Qubes FirewallVM[edit]
- any Template behind sys-whonix should be restricted to torified UpdatesProxy only
- Whonix Templates behind sys-whonix should be restricted to torified UpdatesProxy only
- Whonix Templates connected to a ProxyVM other than sys-whonix should refuse to connect and show a warning [done]
Qubes tickets:
- Implement new firewall dom0→VM interface
- mechanism to hide Qubes VM Manager 'Firewall rules' tab
- Template policy, services→features, core plugins
Connection Issues[edit]
- icmp mtu connection issues?
Matrix of Qubes VM Types[edit]
ProxyVM NetVM AppVM
StandaloneVM TemplateBasedVM Disposable
HVM HVM Template
Network in Templates[edit]
As per Qubes upstream default, any Template (including Whonix) in Qubes R4.0 and above have their Net Qube set to none
Networking and update of Templates is possible through Qubes UpdatesProxy.
Torified UpdatesProxy[edit]
Connection through Qubes UpdatesProxy[edit]
The following command allows to make a torified connection (in this example using curl) from inside the Qubes Template to the internet.
In Qubes Template.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
It is torified because Qubes dom0 UpdatesProxy settings configure sys-whonix as UpdatesProxy.
File Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! gets modified.
The following is the original.
<head> <title>{errno} {cause}</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head>
Modified to the following.
<head> <title>{errno} {cause}</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="application-name" content="tor proxy"/> </head>
Whonix Templates[edit]
Inside Whonix Templates:
- utility_functions.sh
- https://github.com/Whonix/qubes-whonix/blob/master/usr/lib/qubes-whonix/init/qubes-whonix-sysinit
- https://github.com/Whonix/qubes-whonix/blob/master/usr/lib/systemd/system/qubes-whonix-torified-updates-proxy-check.service
- https://github.com/Whonix/qubes-whonix/blob/master/usr/lib/qubes-whonix/init/torified-updates-proxy-check
- https://github.com/Whonix/qubes-whonix/blob/master/etc/uwt.d/40_qubes.conf
UWT_DEV_PASSTHROUGH="1" curl --silent --connect-timeout 10 ""
Should output the following.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>403 Filtered</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="application-name" content="tor proxy"/> </head> <body> <h1>Filtered</h1> <p>The request you made has been filtered</p> <hr /> <p><em>Generated by <a href="https://banu.com/tinyproxy/">tinyproxy</a> version 1.8.3.</em></p> </body> </html> 0
That output gets `grep`ed for PROXY_META, i.e. for.
<meta name="application-name" content="tor proxy"/>
If that matches, the whonix-secure-proxy
Qubes service is activated. In other words, the /var/run/qubes-service/whonix-secure-proxy
status file is being created.
- Cache updates #1957, qubes-updates-cache, qubes-updates-proxy
- design decision: Difficulty to upgrade Whonix Templates over clearnet considered a bug or feature?
- bug: Templates incorrectly think they're not connected to a Whonix gateway.
- Difficulty to upgrade Whonix TemplateVMs over clearnet considered a bug or feature?
-> Considered a feature.
- remove tinyproxy from Whonix-Gateway (
) and make Whonix Templates networked by default with Net qube set tosys-whonix
See Troubleshooting Qubes specific.
Connectivity Issues[edit]
See Troubleshooting Qubes specific.
bind-dirs flow chart[edit]
qubes-mount-dirs.service → /usr/lib/qubes/init/mount-dirs.sh → /usr/lib/qubes/bind-dirs.sh
qubes-whonix-postinit.service flow chart[edit]
qubes-whonix-postinit.service → /usr/lib/qubes-whonix/init/qubes-whonix-postinit →
- /usr/lib/qubes-whonix/replace-ips
lightdm autologin[edit]
sudo kate /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/user.conf
[SeatDefaults] user-session=xfce autologin-user=user
sudo systemctl enable lightdm
ssh into Qubes dom0[edit]
Moved to SSH into Qubes dom0.
Where/how does one set $relesever
It is a yum/dnf magic variable - version of package providing system-release.
R3.1 template package in dom0 R3.2[edit]
In UpdateVM.
sudo rm -r /var/lib/qubes/dom0-updates/*
sudo dnf remove qubes-template-whonix-ws
sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean qubes-template-whonix-ws-3.0.6-201612190633
R3.2: *0628 R3.1: *0633
- https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/uefi-troubleshooting/
- https://groups.google.com/g/qubes-users/c/Er10fhAR1Ro
Qubes VM debug mode[edit]
Quote Marek https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-live-mode/3894/36
Works only with HVM (on PVH or PV you don’t have emulated VGA). Also it enables more verbose logging - shouldn’t affect performance, but syslog in the VM may be hard to read in some cases. No other disadvantages.
See table at the bottom of https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2018/01/24/qsb-37-update/
VM type \ Qubes OS version | 3.2 | 4.0-rc1-3 | 4.0-rc4 | ---------------------------------- | --- | --------- | ------- | Default VMs without PCI devices | PV | HVM | PVH |
Conclusion: Qubes VM debug mode is not the way to go since in Qubes R4 the default for most VMs (that is VMs without PCI devices) (which includes Whonix) is PHV, since these don't have emulated VGA.
Qubes salt
management stack qubesctl
Qubes R4
This is what sudo qubesctl state.sls qvm.anon-whonix
does in effect. [13] It does not only do what qvm.anon-whonix
does, since salt resolves dependencies
. In other words,
starts a chain reaction that includes all of the following.
- install packages from
- install
- install
- install
- create VM called
- with label:
- with
MB memory - with
- enables autostart
- with label:
- create a VM called
- with label:
- with netvm:
- default-dispvm:
- add tag
- with label:
- create a VM called
- as DispVM Template [14]
- with label:
- with netvm:
- default-dispvm:
- add tag
- dom0 config changes
- prepend
with the following text
- prepend
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- prepend
- prepend
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Version Number[edit]
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Qubes dom0 package qubes-core-admin-addon-whonix
) (forum discussion
) is responsible for:
- set NetVM to
[...] - set default DispVM set to
[...] - set tag
- set tag
Qubes dom0 package qubes-mgmt-salt-dom0-virtual-machines
, therefore ensuring it will be installed. (make sure qubes-core-admin-addon-whonix gets installed (T792)) (qubes-template-whonix-gw should depend on qubes-core-admin-addon-whonix #3881
The template package qubes-whonix
ships script
, which contains
qvm-features-request whonix-ws=1
, which is parsed by dom0 package qubes-core-agent-linux
qubes RPC
As per Marek, qvm-features-request whonix-ws=1
should not be set by salt.
Missing Whonix tags anon-vm / anon-gateway will be added.
bug: qvm-tags not included in Qubes backups and not re-applied when restoring #4167
anon-vm tag[edit]
gets prepended to /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.GetDate
by salt template-whonix-ws.sls
. Or maybe in future simpler by just adding it.
Tags are not reliably set yet. TODO: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/4155 - That is something doable. But it's not a big deal for now since Qubes VMs have many ways to ask dom0 for the non-randomized time.
- make sure Qubes-Whonix has no access to clocksource=xen
(unlikely to be fixed anytime soon without external help) (It matters in context of Clock Correlation Attack.
- set random clock offset for Qubes-Whonix VMs using mgmt to prevent clock correlation attacks
- prevent dom0 telling Qubes-Whonix VMs the time by using the mgmt stack for that / disable Qubes dom0 /etc/qubes-rpc/qubes.SetDateTime
Tags will be more important in future for sdwdate-gui-qubes
but that is more usability, not security.
anon-gateway tag[edit]
tag will be used in future by sdwdate-gui-qubes.
whonix-updatevm tag[edit]
tag gets set by salt template-whonix-ws.sls as well as by qubes-core-admin-addon-whonix __init__.py
By Qubes default, a VM with tag whonix-updatevm
may only use target=
as qubes.UpdatesProxy
. Related user documentation: Multiple Qubes-Whonix Templates
- old:
- Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
- new:
- Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
view tags[edit]
To view tags.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
See also:
tags inheritance[edit]
Tags are not inherited. Generally settings are not inherited from Template by TemplateBasedVM. Where needed, core-admin-addon can be made to copy selected settings from Template to TemplateBasedVM.
qvm tags issues[edit]
Users are instructed to manually add qvm-tags in user documentation on these wiki page:
This is because in corner cases qvm-tags are missing and resulting in sdwdate-gui issues. This is non-ideal usability wise.
Sparing users from needing to change this setting requires upstream Qubes feature request way to find out the name of gateway from inside the VM - qubesdb-read /qubes-gateway-name or qrexec feature request: send this over qrexec to the net qube I am connected to / sys-whonix hardcoded / sys-whonix unexpected autostart
to get implemented.
Technical improvement proposals:
After Qubes installs a template it auto starts the template once invisible to the user.
To view VM features.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Check whonix-gateway-17 important qvm-features
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Should should:
whonix-gw 1
Check whonix-workstation-17 important qvm-features
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Should should:
whonix-ws 1
Testing Automated[edit]
- https://github.com/marmarek/openqa-tests-qubesos/blob/master/tests/whonix_firstrun.pm
- https://github.com/marmarek/openqa-tests-qubesos/blob/master/tests/whonixcheck.pm
Major Version Bump[edit]
Port Whonix 14 to Whonix 15
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-builder/pull/81
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-builder/pull/82
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-template-configs/pull/6
DD Backup Mount[edit]
sudo apt install thin-provisioning-tools
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xvdi2 disk
sudo vgchange -aay
Find out /dev/dm-*
sudo lvscan
sudo mkdir /mnt/disk2
sudo mount /dev/dm-153 /mnt/disk2
all data can be found here:
ls -la /mnt/disk2/home/user/
Qubes VM Kernel[edit]
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
2) Might need to increase the initial memory
in QVMM.
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/8649
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/8505
Inside the VM
No longer required?
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
No longer required? [17]
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
No longer required?
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-linux-utils/blob/main/debian/qubes-kernel-vm-support.postinst- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/5212
Debug Broken Boot VMs[edit]
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Debian Minimal Template[edit]
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Debug initramfs[edit]
Adding `debug=vc` to the kernel command line should make initramfs produce debug messages. Apparently it is also necessary to remove `console=tty0`, or at least make `console=hvc0` the last one. Otherwise the messages will end up on VGA, which isn't really present in PVH VM.
Mount Qubes Disk from Debian[edit]
This supposed that you either:
- made a backup of a drive that contains Qubes, OR
- that you unplugged a Qubes disk and attached it to another machine using Debian, OR
- that you booted from Debian using an external disk
Since Qubes uses LVM the process is a bit cumbersome.
Install dependencies.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Install a diff viewer of your choice such as meld.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Detach any disk containing Qubes.
Note what fdisk knows to file before
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Attach the disk containing Qubes.
Note what fdisk knows to file after
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Compare the two files with your favorite diff viewer. Example using meld:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
cryptsetup mount the disk. Example using /dev/sbc2
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
cryptsetup mount the disk. Example using /dev/sdc2
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Mount LVM. Syntax: (replace vm-name
with the actual name of the VM.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
For example:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
All data can be found here:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Revert Qubes Template[edit]
An ultra fast way to revert Qubes Template to previous revision.
based on https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/volume-backup-revert/
In dom0.
Note: replace vmname
with the actual name of the Template.
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Bash history and home folder in the template will remain. Perhaps confusing but can be an advantage.
Just template root being reverted. Private image not reverted. But could be done with qvm-volume revert too. Refer to upstream documentation.
See also:
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Qubes EFI Fallback Bootloader[edit]
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/8363
- https://forum.qubes-os.org/t/grubx64-efi-does-not-exist/18144/4
Copy files from /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/ to /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Change filename grubx64.efi → BOOTX64.efi
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
Change filename grub.cfg → BOOTX64.cfg
Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!
See Also[edit]
- Dev/Test - How to "UnWhonix" - Instructions on how to remove Whonix Tor default networking for Whonix-Gateway. After applying these instructions, Whonix-Gateway will connect to clearnet.
- How to add a ProxyVM between anon-whonix and sys-whonix? (whonix-ws-email → sys-fw-whonix → whonix-gateway-17 → sys-firewall → sys-net)
- Dev/Qubes Remote Support
- ↑ Upon creation.
- ↑ Following shutdown.
- ↑ https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/
- ↑ The former name was Template.
- ↑ The former name was AppVM or TemplateBasedVM.
- ↑ https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/4175
- ↑ Former names included Disposable Template, DVM Template, and DVM.
- ↑ https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/glossary/#disposable
- ↑ Former names included Disposable and DispVM.
- ↑
- ↑
Starting with this release, Tor Browser will now also download and apply upgrades in the background, to ensure that users upgrade quicker and with less interaction. This behavior is governed by the about:config pref app.update.auto, but we do not recommend disabling it unless you really know what you're doing.
- ↑
- Qubes issue ticket: Mechanism for triggering template build
- qubes-builder make template-github curl broken - wrong environment variable handling
- https://github.com/Kicksecure/developer-meta-files/blob/master/usr/bin/dm-qubes-templates-official-build-commands
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/4536
- https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/6737
- Qubes issue ticket: Mechanism for triggering template build
- ↑
- ↑
template-for-dispvms: true
- ↑
- ↑
To avovid this error:
/usr/sbin/thin_check: execvp failed: No such file or directory
- ↑
- ↑
DKMS and update-initramfs not required. Already happening before.
Replace this
with actual kernel version. Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! For example. Click = Copy Copied to clipboard! < Not required. Already happening during apt installation step. Click = Copy Copied to clipboard!

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