OLD Whonix Windows Installer

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The Whonix Windows Installer for Windows is a simple and fast way to set-up Whonix on a system running Microsoft Windows. Screenshots. Rationale. Build documentation. Source code. whonix-installer.exe

Info This page is archived.


The Whonix Windows Installer for Windows is a simple and fast way to set-up Whonix on a system running Microsoft Windows.

Download Whonix ™ Xfce WINDOWS VIRTUALBOX

The Whonix Windows Installer was developed with a focus on providing users with an fast and easy method to install Whonix in Microsoft Windows. This gives users the opportunity to experiment with Whonix in a familiar environment without the necessity of complex virtual machine imports or host operating system changes. When the whonix-installer.exe is executed, the latest VirtualBox version and both Whonix VMs are seamlessly installed on the Windows machine. From there, users can immediately start using Whonix with no further configuration required. [1]


Figure: Run Whonix Installer

Figure: Install Whonix

Figure: License Agreement

Figure: Extracting Files

Figure: Complete Whonix Installation

Building from source[edit]


Download a copy of this repository. Use its folder to collect required files for building.


Download the Whonix VirtualBox Xfce image to the folder and renamed it to "whonix.ova"


Download and install Inno Setup


Whonix-UI executable in the folder

Built from source: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Dev/Windows_Starterarchive.org

Download the newest "Windows hosts" VirtualBox installer to any location.


Navigate in the commandline to that location and run VirtualBox[Characters based on your version].exe -extract A window will open telling you where its files have been extracted. Navigate to this folder, rename VirtualBox[Characters based on your version]amd64.msi to virtualbox_x64.msi and move it to the repository/build folder.


Your build folder should have at least:

  • license.txt
  • logo.ico
  • virtualbox_x64.msi
  • Whonix.exe
  • Whonix.iss
  • whonix.ova

Optional: Open Whonix.iss and change AppVersion. Set Compression as desired (https://documentation.help/Inno-Setup/topic_setup_compression.htmarchive.org)

Right-click Whonix.iss and select Compile (Or inside Inno Setup select BuildCompile). The executable is in Output.

Note: If the .ova becomes greater than 2GB, Whonix.iss must be set to use DiskSpanning=Yes. This will output an .exe and .bin file. To combine, add 7za.exe and 7zSD.sfx to the 7zip folder. Open 7zip/make self extract.bat, which combines everything in Output into a .7z archive and then into a self-extracting-and-running .exe.

Obtaining 7zSD.sfx and 7za.exe[edit]


7zSD.sfx Download the 7-zip compressed archive file and extract it.

7za.exe Download the .7z compressed archive file under 7-Zip 16.04 Extra and extract it.

Forum Discussion[edit]


Deprecated Installer[edit]

There used to be a version of this installer based on NSIS which has been discontinued, due to stability and a host of other issues. It can still be found here: https://github.com/adrelanos/Whonix-Windows-Installer-deprecatedarchive.org

See Also[edit]


  1. While no further action is required to install or configure the Whonix VMs, it is possible (in some cases) that host bios settings or workarounds for VirtualBox bugs will require user intervention. These are not Whonix issues.

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